About Webkul-
Started in 2010, Webkul is a bootstrapped product based IT organization focused on crafting the problem solving apps, modules and extensions for E-commerce, ERP, CRM & mobile.
As an IT company,We help B2B and B2C enterprises to scale their online business.
- 1.5 Lacs+ customers from 150+ countries across the globe- https://secure-web.cisco.com/13OkJ3y4jBWAvPjLAiu-kT4jpV08orYv3RGSS32XR8He5l8OO09-ZCrgkgfsTdBJok1s5YqiMA4roO82XmXr0Wycc7yDPHl8Vgea-BP7XygBBH3jHq_KR5Ro5wcrQqcz_tUkZzMiLAY65MzFp-AuCMKqnGykSZeJRmh_UksXAQA0VPQD9cqLcBSrWAUyCflStAPLpivyhwRBU3ve_vrcCNp_sDtnQqeRwjo1uDfPT7c_BydF_VJsiokV8Rtit-OJsKVZTlTuw9hJmkdvqD22br14DSGV_yDuKFatSTurx6tnIBEC8OQOrxMiyDseEOA9YAybHQU88VDx-LMgTQUvrGHbo6E0u2eRPrRUKWq-BCo8GlZ6838kq1HyGkN2tW0xq5bHBK5OYtIH8J-RPlBL1dgBO2UvUksDNSQx-P4hK9agoh991STMRz93NuXJBOd4mQJp4e8OYI8rbQsOZFEbzjwr-o2dqv5L-ayJHlOJTIQI/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Four-customers%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/our-customers/
- 12000+ Github Stars- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1VqguSpPifqre1mqikdErDNlVa0ssTNyRGzBSM3D98oC9J_bPXaDestxCjqKkDo-hgOgfNXZILgt7XNoBSFb6uS0dUTrE0g8DyJQ82_gnibCpDVp7SFOF444LlGFE1pFR1oGfRoeukVNnfZdwMv-enA0vMVTSyHKnZQHwtwv3QcOMIYAenJJYAN8dpOWLIVW02kkbgl2qoTFEtcKkWAJnYlhzP-G39c0pboooknARMLZVZOCIE1SN6BGiWUrYZlbU562U7MWua4wQAQFBLiYb-0Qsp0A-hGFvnsfRSPWHVOTaOLunJY0yu_dTCBYyb_G9jZxEGa8XdSmTfiDq5pACHQ4I66PzkAqy8w1LQuo689IpsVHj07c8vvdYl44_K7ww_zZMV_3dV4gWvsG9WW0MJr8ySZr27dlGm87fngCaqhIk4OtzRcwQ_AcEBjmE1jWk3djyYZS5s6QbAN0Es7U1i87NvwU0LZOb9v1XrcSfkW0/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fwebkul" target="_blank">https://github.com/webkul
- 1500+ products crafted so far- https://secure-web.cisco.com/14QJBeTx9ttmzXM9_f6vuPsBNojSgF9rsXqIk9eJznbHlh1kEc2EEeTGqpUcaGkOY3LWrGEPp8apXirjeVo9LwA2UCLG_4z5IPmsoI8ZWhhvU2zdlnhfbchkMIdFhrmWeytbhMkBkZXkpes0PfhsS4lUcTEbBrVcikG7401ikXURbkDAC5tOwaTiLbNxSX1D2bny3vbpj_6kSLMKXMTl8aB5RdYyuk2UPI_h3vjxCqZxULVSm2ai2Ws0hHh4qvp-yH_p0dIs-fJBaBhJO9PdaYAFfMxOd5wtxTm8dMFQ9JxEDLwQNopH4SeX65mM5pPzbJcC_icmDb9BjZueBjsASbOfmmfvzofOlIfuHpLF3zT_FxWVqaTyvhGfJxFqdWv4yGwNVa3Poq_AOTwZkPJXGLGBQuji0BPyeaWjrzZVEYSZOHuW6xcwm7HXA1rVnPvn4p2vKiVuNo8jTSQjVt-BENr5IEnNGg9OsDsDd_I4Xj3A/https%3A%2F%2Fstore.webkul.com%2F" target="_blank">https://store.webkul.com/
- 500+ technologists- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1Y_FtgfYShppG0oNCc-lfdOFZpcHqW9E_2BXvHayEoXz_tyPoUTWdKooA-ix5rwhAUl_wgV8qRPCQ3tmUNc4VcMUZyQ_pY5AlCvI2opbqG_S2Gra_avhhR2thO0oxO1KCbg8S_DwEd-79v8ZrQCiHMASnrCK5QGNHfASB9WgTOZzqcDjueFLjbyk1skuZyIkjzb-F037ZSAEI2veKIPaShrrRziyI2h9AT4mNbkkgfCq7e66gXwjPPd5plogGEnE2aj43gcusckgWD7WpZxgtO_9StTPRkkX8E4Zcz8bN7JyA6tCx3R0yKqv3ocLyulXz_iFvDS3r94vnvg9Cgt77SvObGI8JRSw1I0XjfVcA-EYPLwgr7CwTlRn2tXsj1qIiil7yfqnSpYyaZJBJQ7J__S2s4ZtEP_O1ol67_yvnjrTyaB9MMn7vNlaF3MvuRcEGKKSrsv0DOIlaCce6Fzjp4_E31ORK_0kE-CtOFzFfRqg/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fabout-us%2Four-team%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/about-us/our-team/
- 30+ companies in partnership- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1A0DbmKeeYB_-ebINYiNET3_h89vG5K62e3ZnUhpNCfwlXYo6Ch-UexPPVAJdlsSF0pY6twbNj-OvIuN9TTjusmSwBseP7wBjLRDcf7qP0bjxBelORNsjFPKSy8C6TI1GO25zg9igYHF54oHLSWCxQ6gIOIkIQUMCzXfwdwFkQlD8TD7l9cUnlgEWOc6GtOplAcA_xGtd_1rrLsvR1Gcb6bonCDEbgDmCcPrHIaqD8ZSCNyj99B2AvlNRapucEsot00lTLWhHBIboPeUNuj857ridvi6ClYRI14KkBw6ilESgRa1m8MkNViKzlr647HcdCxhtGt6krxJgRMBJ6CSVCtCK48-C5DNWrllpB84CI7VqcwaPl_kTSOqdPa7rq9Y17Vz7SSlIWepovV0-9Gp72mFU_Ar77VAbZeNyyeFAOb7dnJvGrxYi6yMJzQfovpni5OnLHiCGXAZd5GbUTiGjuiggKK3pmLUQUC_u1CcAsdI/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fabout-us%2Fpartners%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/about-us/partners/
- 20+ times covered in social media houses- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1jr3GN0Vc8zeGYea8CQiXIfX1W2Hu-6lp_9CbvJSAIp5n725jWVJA0bib5_i-4EuXEAvhJ-v5HJxy5slKdH8om3PRQvOgfFix155q6MNr7pVmebA4KSw2IDx0Y_PyAHeCHxToI7xSkbiawqA_7BwT1qJ-4Uij--sQqfHAXZInPYotMBcuFniGc3Ny3mCs7FCM91AUkKnbUYs2eePzl0aW5PMEVHQjqn-W-Z2Egx8LPsxIU4R9s7bzuppxgFTWlowpe5x3PYX08zpU3E3ZG5-PsuvAPv83R8KwEMQl3QQE04JK78kgxuh2egHhqHGdgyR56LIcC-ItnwbK2jD3GviWGrjNmHqXntSTzrh2aI7utda0Hm_8Okbf6x4GJtAIk6TINwJ5BPjD9hW1eh--AOifr_kTTcdzPMeGrxepCffKF6yeYt0dKNjXRlYmkndYGy6vZ8_9S0a2KHBz4cOBoS9iQSjfCBOsXSmuainjfpKGkKE/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fpress%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/press/
- 15+ awards in last 10 years- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1PGspCmiIFuUQDT1kI340ZSrYLO2a8UkCg3PBD6wmzZha4qOtPhvuChUcQizWuXq3Uejv8YgcQxwY8O8H-6PbUEzHegfUrlNLQCMTaBzmHQTvwKxjUpf2_DkKx5yxzcI-GTLCEnAyREMRIe2_9VZf21b70XRCNRCfkscDZ2eZ3kgvbM4HHES6Gwvj8IrG-aCvSoq2WWRMbjXxGSbTIDhnly40Vud_0isewJgKWHv3dczr71rRoWZ2HiuVOVraRQa6MRf9qeA8Sh0MZKw1nCIEP1WCgcQMtvIruQnreKVweYRK16t-u0KkwIZgSC3_T1OqWA--qs816KbEpMpDPJ0hdo4Ji0M1iBucfM6Dn3BNau72nvg8zfsEytqBMRUIO35ml1QmjaHTFUdFgFGHknXyu9NfG6PI2fdOLJHp-3h8AHveK9vY7IM3RmMjorqEeORJ9sKdw8PD5zF4gBLwx_Dw3SyinFo1WgUXv7O1LOJIZ3g/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fawards%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/awards/
- 15+ E-commerce platforms we are working upon- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1W0o4Kd964ao68jXwr2aYCb2ElGCj2hqeU4y4VO8AMv5EChfxiHqxJjwYr58RBbNFjggoKULa9GMQezuzecBD_lUZR2tLxk-H6E18c65Uxd3C7dLQ71gOWpwJOJQe1b49V1fy-IxdOoucwzZfNtiqWcmTlMbDiAoCV3SssvAAqZaVug3SYtmiUA-alFJTckgsUH1eoy8alQVJk3l__4MxqT_febzwPifby4bFZIBqnRd1rsv1-iqp8HB4GdQWKt4YWZ7uFccG_-TmqOxbFBM4RrHwVrdKptTxa8buY_V_yPlwEDmeA-We5pEIWVwgGIKCDoYF82HCSYNVU7kgTtzGjWBpdqpW12Jf3VsS8MyduSMyZv4ENXQqlCEDwFDY0PDOu3fw2LYe-p5kcgBDNf7Z8iT7btAGZRJG0GuRU_8bsjQsiNsYvsc_Jq07_oPO5JBksqaE1wBleHOcLXZiP95YZVmw4XPeqPXaWS7IDvoFOPw/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fabout-us" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/about-us
Job Description for Magento Developer :
Experience – 1- 6 yrs
Qualification- MCA /B. Tech, BE/BCA
Job Nature - Permanent
Skills - PHP, Magento MYSQL, Wordpress,CSS, Jquery
Working days - 5
- Meeting with the design team to discuss the needs of the company.
- Building and configuring Magento 1x and 2x eCommerce websites.
- Coding of the Magento templates.
- Developing Magento modules in PHP using best practices.
- Designing themes and interfaces.
- Setting performance tasks and goals.
- Troubleshooting integration issues.
- Updating website features and security patches.
Skills required:
- Advanced knowledge of Magento, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, CSS, and MySQL.
- Experience with complete eCommerce lifecycle development.
- Understanding of modern UI/UX trends.
- Knowledge of Google Tag Manager, SEO, Google Analytics, PPC, and A/B Testing.
- Good working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
- Strong attention to detail.
- Ability to project-manage and work to strict deadlines.
- Ability to work in a team environment.
Perks & Benefits:
Employees Family Health Insurance, EPF & ESIC.
Free late night meal facility.
Cab facility available in late night working.
Various compensations & bonuses.
No Dress Code
Festival Celebration
Employees B'day celebration
Procedure for the interview will be as follows:-
1. Technical F2F (Skype Round)
2. HR Round
Similar jobs
Manage / Customize the Existing Web Application and Products
Knowledge Required about SaaS Concept
Integration with other applications
Net Developer & API Expert
Position Summary:
We are looking for .Net Developers who are also Experts in API Integrations to join our development team and participate in different established projects.
We are looking for proactive, team players who are passionate about programming in this language and focused on providing the best experience to the end user.
This is an excellent opportunity for those professionals looking to develop in one of the fastest growing companies in the industry! These developers will face numerous technical challenges.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities:
· Work on projects in the C#, .NET CORE and entity frameworks
· Validate data with Postman, JSON, and basic SQL queries
· Unit Testing
· Write RESTful APIs (Core Web API)
· Writing clean/maintainable code
· MSSQL Server (Familiar with MongoDB, preferred but not required)
· Understand best practices and commit to follow them
· Work on new and difficult topics and contribute to libraries when needed
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
· Fluent in English
· Strong knowledge of OOPs concepts
· Knowledge of the Linux Operating System
· Strong problem-solving, design, coding and debugging skills.
· Knowledge about Git and Version Control
· Preferred to have knowledge of Microservices Architecture (Not mandatory)
Job Title: Laravel Developer
Company Name: Crescentek
Company Website: https://www.crescentek.com/" target="_blank">https://www.crescentek.com/
Location: Rajkot
Job Description
Develop, test, and maintain applications to specified designs & standards in Laravel.
Develop & implement modern web services using service-oriented architecture, RESTful APIs, and SOAP.
Write and execute unit tests.
Implement front-end interfaces & experiences with modern HTML/CSS/jQuery.
Test, troubleshoot, and optimize application components for maximum speed, security, stability, and scalability. stability, and scalability.
Skills & Experience:
experience as a backend Laravel developer.
Experience in Core PHP using MVC Architecture.
Ability to write APIs including Restful APIs.
Knowledge of database operations with MySQL.
Knowledge of front-end technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, reactjs etc.).
Knowledge and experience of OOPS.
Strong documentation, communication, and team collaboration skills.
Job Highlights
- Must be proficient in PHP,WordPress MVC,MySQL,CSS,HTML,JavaScript,AJAX,JSON Should possess strong experience on Symfony
- Must have experience in API Development
- Good knowledge of relational databases,version control tools and of developing web services Solve complex performance problems and architectural challenges
- 1 -3 years experience with PHP-framework based Development
Job description
- Looking for a PHP Developer responsible for managing back-end services and the interchange of data between the server and the users. His primary focus will be the development of all server-side logic, definition and maintenance of the central database, and ensuring high performance and responsiveness to request from the front-end. Therefore, a basic understanding of front-end technologies is necessary as well.
Key Responsibilities
- Head responsibility to evaluate, design, develop and assist application systems. Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers.
- Build efficient, testable, and reusable PHP modules.
- Integration of data storage solutions & Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle. Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong optimization and functionality.
- Develop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary.
The ideal candidate is a highly resourceful and innovative developer with extensive experience in the layout, design and coding of websites specifically in PHP format. You must also possess a strong knowledge of web application development using PHP programming language and MySQL Server databases.
- Who can understand and demonstrate to maintain Data Quality in high volume data systems.
- One who can understand and can deliver highly tested system
- Who can routines to test their own code using negative sql concepts.
- Who can use OOP concepts with same class being used everywhere.
- Knowledge in Angular.js and Laravel is mandatory
- College degree is not mandatory
- hike on last salary will be given
-Full time / Remote job
-Can share cv
Thanks & Regards,
Required Qualifications and Skills:
- 3-5 years of work experience in the development background, with at least 2 years experience in Java, Spring, Sprint Boot, Hibernate or JPA, MySQL, Oracle, Spring MVC.
- B.E. degree in Computer Science, Graduate in Software Engineering or equivalent
- Experience in Core JAVA, Spring, Spring Boot Frameworks.
- Experience with ORM's like Hibernate.
- Good knowledge of developing RESTful web services using Spring Boot, Java1.x,Servlet2.4, JSP2.0, JDBC3.0, Java Mail, Struts2.x, HTML, HTML5, Angular7+, JavaScript, JSF, Bootstrap2.x-3.x, JQuery & CSS 3.x, Maven 3.x, Apache Tomcat7
- Knowledge of Cloud AWS.
- Experience in any Messaging Queue e.g. Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ, etc.
- Experience on Web services with REST and SOAP.
- Experience working on tool set like Eclipse IDE, SQL clients.
- Experience using application server like Jboss, TomCat, Wildfly, glassfish.
- Experience in using tools like SOAP UI, POSTMAN
- Ability to write SQL queries to fetch data.
- Knowledge of Micro services, Redis Cache and Mongo DB (or any other NoSQL) is good to have
Join the Insurtech revolution with PasarPolis! We're looking for exceptional talents to come help us leverage technology to disrupt the insurance industry. With the largest insurtech funding in the region and 3 Indonesian unicorns as part of our investors roster (Gojek, Tokopedia & Traveloka) we are disrupting the insurance industry by:
1. Creating easy to understand insurance products
2. Redefining how and where insurance products are purchased
3. Enabling simple and hassle-free claim process
We are also using machine learning, big data analysis, and data science to build automated risk assessment.
**Job Description**
• Development of backend services which power our products and taking responsibility for scalability and reliability of them.
• Translate and drive technology vision into action and world class product, as well as constantly solve problems and set strategy for our existing products as well as future product ideas.
• You are also expected to share knowledge to other engineers.
• Drive the business and help drive and focus execution in line with our core objectives.
• Work closely with QA Engineers for immediate bugs/issues resolution.
• Explore new techniques, technologies and software development approaches to improve existing system to keep up with the latest trend in software development
**Minimum Qualifications**
• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or equivalent
• 3-6 years of experience in software engineering/development
• Experienced in Python + Django/flask, Golang
• Experienced in building REST API
• Exposure to developing apps using NodeJS, GoLang, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, MySQL, MongoDB
• Familiar with application life cycle management tools such as JIRA, Bitbucket/Git, etc and also CI/CD tooling.
• Familiar with Agile Software Development and SCRUM.
• Familiar with Cloud Computing (AWS / Google Cloud).
**Required Skills**
• Python / GoLang / Ruby on Rails
Currently, We Are Hiring For Sr PHP Developer
Candidate should have these skills:
1) PHP
2) Laravel
4) MVC frameworks
1) Minimum 3-8 year experience required.
2) Salary is not a constraint for the right candidate.
Perks and Benefits
Salary is not a constraint for the right candidate....