About Webkul-
Started in 2010, Webkul is a bootstrapped product based IT organization focused on crafting the problem solving apps, modules and extensions for E-commerce, ERP, CRM & mobile.
As an IT company,We help B2B and B2C enterprises to scale their online business.
- 1.5 Lacs+ customers from 150+ countries across the globe- https://secure-web.cisco.com/13OkJ3y4jBWAvPjLAiu-kT4jpV08orYv3RGSS32XR8He5l8OO09-ZCrgkgfsTdBJok1s5YqiMA4roO82XmXr0Wycc7yDPHl8Vgea-BP7XygBBH3jHq_KR5Ro5wcrQqcz_tUkZzMiLAY65MzFp-AuCMKqnGykSZeJRmh_UksXAQA0VPQD9cqLcBSrWAUyCflStAPLpivyhwRBU3ve_vrcCNp_sDtnQqeRwjo1uDfPT7c_BydF_VJsiokV8Rtit-OJsKVZTlTuw9hJmkdvqD22br14DSGV_yDuKFatSTurx6tnIBEC8OQOrxMiyDseEOA9YAybHQU88VDx-LMgTQUvrGHbo6E0u2eRPrRUKWq-BCo8GlZ6838kq1HyGkN2tW0xq5bHBK5OYtIH8J-RPlBL1dgBO2UvUksDNSQx-P4hK9agoh991STMRz93NuXJBOd4mQJp4e8OYI8rbQsOZFEbzjwr-o2dqv5L-ayJHlOJTIQI/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Four-customers%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/our-customers/
- 12000+ Github Stars- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1VqguSpPifqre1mqikdErDNlVa0ssTNyRGzBSM3D98oC9J_bPXaDestxCjqKkDo-hgOgfNXZILgt7XNoBSFb6uS0dUTrE0g8DyJQ82_gnibCpDVp7SFOF444LlGFE1pFR1oGfRoeukVNnfZdwMv-enA0vMVTSyHKnZQHwtwv3QcOMIYAenJJYAN8dpOWLIVW02kkbgl2qoTFEtcKkWAJnYlhzP-G39c0pboooknARMLZVZOCIE1SN6BGiWUrYZlbU562U7MWua4wQAQFBLiYb-0Qsp0A-hGFvnsfRSPWHVOTaOLunJY0yu_dTCBYyb_G9jZxEGa8XdSmTfiDq5pACHQ4I66PzkAqy8w1LQuo689IpsVHj07c8vvdYl44_K7ww_zZMV_3dV4gWvsG9WW0MJr8ySZr27dlGm87fngCaqhIk4OtzRcwQ_AcEBjmE1jWk3djyYZS5s6QbAN0Es7U1i87NvwU0LZOb9v1XrcSfkW0/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fwebkul" target="_blank">https://github.com/webkul
- 1500+ products crafted so far- https://secure-web.cisco.com/14QJBeTx9ttmzXM9_f6vuPsBNojSgF9rsXqIk9eJznbHlh1kEc2EEeTGqpUcaGkOY3LWrGEPp8apXirjeVo9LwA2UCLG_4z5IPmsoI8ZWhhvU2zdlnhfbchkMIdFhrmWeytbhMkBkZXkpes0PfhsS4lUcTEbBrVcikG7401ikXURbkDAC5tOwaTiLbNxSX1D2bny3vbpj_6kSLMKXMTl8aB5RdYyuk2UPI_h3vjxCqZxULVSm2ai2Ws0hHh4qvp-yH_p0dIs-fJBaBhJO9PdaYAFfMxOd5wtxTm8dMFQ9JxEDLwQNopH4SeX65mM5pPzbJcC_icmDb9BjZueBjsASbOfmmfvzofOlIfuHpLF3zT_FxWVqaTyvhGfJxFqdWv4yGwNVa3Poq_AOTwZkPJXGLGBQuji0BPyeaWjrzZVEYSZOHuW6xcwm7HXA1rVnPvn4p2vKiVuNo8jTSQjVt-BENr5IEnNGg9OsDsDd_I4Xj3A/https%3A%2F%2Fstore.webkul.com%2F" target="_blank">https://store.webkul.com/
- 500+ technologists- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1Y_FtgfYShppG0oNCc-lfdOFZpcHqW9E_2BXvHayEoXz_tyPoUTWdKooA-ix5rwhAUl_wgV8qRPCQ3tmUNc4VcMUZyQ_pY5AlCvI2opbqG_S2Gra_avhhR2thO0oxO1KCbg8S_DwEd-79v8ZrQCiHMASnrCK5QGNHfASB9WgTOZzqcDjueFLjbyk1skuZyIkjzb-F037ZSAEI2veKIPaShrrRziyI2h9AT4mNbkkgfCq7e66gXwjPPd5plogGEnE2aj43gcusckgWD7WpZxgtO_9StTPRkkX8E4Zcz8bN7JyA6tCx3R0yKqv3ocLyulXz_iFvDS3r94vnvg9Cgt77SvObGI8JRSw1I0XjfVcA-EYPLwgr7CwTlRn2tXsj1qIiil7yfqnSpYyaZJBJQ7J__S2s4ZtEP_O1ol67_yvnjrTyaB9MMn7vNlaF3MvuRcEGKKSrsv0DOIlaCce6Fzjp4_E31ORK_0kE-CtOFzFfRqg/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fabout-us%2Four-team%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/about-us/our-team/
- 30+ companies in partnership- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1A0DbmKeeYB_-ebINYiNET3_h89vG5K62e3ZnUhpNCfwlXYo6Ch-UexPPVAJdlsSF0pY6twbNj-OvIuN9TTjusmSwBseP7wBjLRDcf7qP0bjxBelORNsjFPKSy8C6TI1GO25zg9igYHF54oHLSWCxQ6gIOIkIQUMCzXfwdwFkQlD8TD7l9cUnlgEWOc6GtOplAcA_xGtd_1rrLsvR1Gcb6bonCDEbgDmCcPrHIaqD8ZSCNyj99B2AvlNRapucEsot00lTLWhHBIboPeUNuj857ridvi6ClYRI14KkBw6ilESgRa1m8MkNViKzlr647HcdCxhtGt6krxJgRMBJ6CSVCtCK48-C5DNWrllpB84CI7VqcwaPl_kTSOqdPa7rq9Y17Vz7SSlIWepovV0-9Gp72mFU_Ar77VAbZeNyyeFAOb7dnJvGrxYi6yMJzQfovpni5OnLHiCGXAZd5GbUTiGjuiggKK3pmLUQUC_u1CcAsdI/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fabout-us%2Fpartners%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/about-us/partners/
- 20+ times covered in social media houses- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1jr3GN0Vc8zeGYea8CQiXIfX1W2Hu-6lp_9CbvJSAIp5n725jWVJA0bib5_i-4EuXEAvhJ-v5HJxy5slKdH8om3PRQvOgfFix155q6MNr7pVmebA4KSw2IDx0Y_PyAHeCHxToI7xSkbiawqA_7BwT1qJ-4Uij--sQqfHAXZInPYotMBcuFniGc3Ny3mCs7FCM91AUkKnbUYs2eePzl0aW5PMEVHQjqn-W-Z2Egx8LPsxIU4R9s7bzuppxgFTWlowpe5x3PYX08zpU3E3ZG5-PsuvAPv83R8KwEMQl3QQE04JK78kgxuh2egHhqHGdgyR56LIcC-ItnwbK2jD3GviWGrjNmHqXntSTzrh2aI7utda0Hm_8Okbf6x4GJtAIk6TINwJ5BPjD9hW1eh--AOifr_kTTcdzPMeGrxepCffKF6yeYt0dKNjXRlYmkndYGy6vZ8_9S0a2KHBz4cOBoS9iQSjfCBOsXSmuainjfpKGkKE/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fpress%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/press/
- 15+ awards in last 10 years- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1PGspCmiIFuUQDT1kI340ZSrYLO2a8UkCg3PBD6wmzZha4qOtPhvuChUcQizWuXq3Uejv8YgcQxwY8O8H-6PbUEzHegfUrlNLQCMTaBzmHQTvwKxjUpf2_DkKx5yxzcI-GTLCEnAyREMRIe2_9VZf21b70XRCNRCfkscDZ2eZ3kgvbM4HHES6Gwvj8IrG-aCvSoq2WWRMbjXxGSbTIDhnly40Vud_0isewJgKWHv3dczr71rRoWZ2HiuVOVraRQa6MRf9qeA8Sh0MZKw1nCIEP1WCgcQMtvIruQnreKVweYRK16t-u0KkwIZgSC3_T1OqWA--qs816KbEpMpDPJ0hdo4Ji0M1iBucfM6Dn3BNau72nvg8zfsEytqBMRUIO35ml1QmjaHTFUdFgFGHknXyu9NfG6PI2fdOLJHp-3h8AHveK9vY7IM3RmMjorqEeORJ9sKdw8PD5zF4gBLwx_Dw3SyinFo1WgUXv7O1LOJIZ3g/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fawards%2F" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/awards/
- 15+ E-commerce platforms we are working upon- https://secure-web.cisco.com/1W0o4Kd964ao68jXwr2aYCb2ElGCj2hqeU4y4VO8AMv5EChfxiHqxJjwYr58RBbNFjggoKULa9GMQezuzecBD_lUZR2tLxk-H6E18c65Uxd3C7dLQ71gOWpwJOJQe1b49V1fy-IxdOoucwzZfNtiqWcmTlMbDiAoCV3SssvAAqZaVug3SYtmiUA-alFJTckgsUH1eoy8alQVJk3l__4MxqT_febzwPifby4bFZIBqnRd1rsv1-iqp8HB4GdQWKt4YWZ7uFccG_-TmqOxbFBM4RrHwVrdKptTxa8buY_V_yPlwEDmeA-We5pEIWVwgGIKCDoYF82HCSYNVU7kgTtzGjWBpdqpW12Jf3VsS8MyduSMyZv4ENXQqlCEDwFDY0PDOu3fw2LYe-p5kcgBDNf7Z8iT7btAGZRJG0GuRU_8bsjQsiNsYvsc_Jq07_oPO5JBksqaE1wBleHOcLXZiP95YZVmw4XPeqPXaWS7IDvoFOPw/https%3A%2F%2Fwebkul.com%2Fabout-us" target="_blank">https://webkul.com/about-us
Job Description for Magento Developer :
Experience – 1- 6 yrs
Qualification- MCA /B. Tech, BE/BCA
Job Nature - Permanent
Skills - PHP, Magento MYSQL, Wordpress,CSS, Jquery
Working days - 5
- Meeting with the design team to discuss the needs of the company.
- Building and configuring Magento 1x and 2x eCommerce websites.
- Coding of the Magento templates.
- Developing Magento modules in PHP using best practices.
- Designing themes and interfaces.
- Setting performance tasks and goals.
- Troubleshooting integration issues.
- Updating website features and security patches.
Skills required:
- Advanced knowledge of Magento, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, CSS, and MySQL.
- Experience with complete eCommerce lifecycle development.
- Understanding of modern UI/UX trends.
- Knowledge of Google Tag Manager, SEO, Google Analytics, PPC, and A/B Testing.
- Good working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
- Strong attention to detail.
- Ability to project-manage and work to strict deadlines.
- Ability to work in a team environment.
Perks & Benefits:
Employees Family Health Insurance, EPF & ESIC.
Free late night meal facility.
Cab facility available in late night working.
Various compensations & bonuses.
No Dress Code
Festival Celebration
Employees B'day celebration
Procedure for the interview will be as follows:-
1. Technical F2F (Skype Round)
2. HR Round

Similar jobs

Experience – 0-2 yrs
Qualification- MCA /B. Tech, BE, BCA.
Job Nature - Permanent
Skills - PHP,Laravel, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript with ES6, Ajax, WordPress, Theme development & Plugin
Working days - 5
Job location- Noida
- Developing and maintaining high-performing, scalable, and robust themes and plugins.
- Implementing different aspects of coding standards for JavaScript, PHP, and WordPress.
- Understanding the project requirements, preparing the flow, and planning the solution to accomplish the job optimally.
- Designing and implementing new features and functionality.
- Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture, and customs requirements.
- Ensuring high performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS.
- Must be able to create themes and plugins from scratch by following WordPress theme and plugin development standards.
- Strong understanding of Backend technologies including PHP, OOPs concepts, Ajax, and API integrations.
- Strong understanding of front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery.
- In-depth experience with WordPress terminologies like Post, Page, Category, Tags, Template hierarchy etc.
- Excellent problem-solving and learning skills.
- Experience in working with WooCommerce and its add-ons, developing payment gateways, shipping, tax solutions, and REST API integrations.
- Have a deep understanding of WordPress database structure and inbuilt queries, and security practices.
- Comfortable working with debugging tools like Firebug, Chrome Inspector, etc.
Good to Have :
- Experience working with WordPress Multisite development
- Proficient understanding of code versioning tools such as Git, BitBucket, SVN, and Mercurial.
- Have worked with 3rd party API integrations with WordPress via plugins and themes.
- Knowledge of how to interact with RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML)
- Knowledge of WPRest API and WP-CLI
- Package management tools like NPM and Composer

We are looking for Self motivated, Passionate Technology enthusiasts seasoned PHP Developer (Laravel + Wordpress ) to join our team.
Job Description:
· Design, Develop, Implement, Test, Document and Maintain high quality Web Application Software.
· Understanding and implementing of project management practices.
· MVC compliant Development (Laravel/YII / CodeIgniter / Zend Framework) in at least any one of these frameworks.
· Experience with CMS framework i.e. Wordpress.
· Optimization of PHP Code and database queries and functions through Code Review and Project Review Sessions.
· Identify opportunities for process improvement and make constructive suggestions for change.
· Improve the technical competence of the team through training & development of existing and new team members.
· Provide accurate effort estimates for deliverable and be committed to the deadlines through follow-up of tasks with team members.
· Research and actively learn about new technologies and introduce them into the infrastructure.
Eligibility criteria :
· Minimum experience if 2 years in laravel and wordpress. both
· Excellent problem-solving skills and love technical challenges.
· Ability to work in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.
· Ability to manage priorities and work in a fast pace environment.
· Strong database skills, proven experience with MySQL 5 having knowledge of indexes, fulltext searches, usage of Regular Expressions in queries and more.
· Excellent knowledge of Applications Architecture and how to work with Frameworks with MVC architecture.
· Excellent Knowledge of HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, jQuery/Sencha etc.
· Key Skills Required : Wordpress, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Mysql, Jquery, API (Restful Service).
Interested candidates can share their updated resume at manpreet.kaur(at)chicmic.co.in
software products.
● Degree in Computer Science, Maths, or equivalent.
● Experience with AWS or Google Cloud or Azure.
● Experience with RDBMS and NoSQL: MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL,
DynamoDB or MongoDB.
● Fluent in common design patterns, modular architecture, microservices, and a
demonstrated web and polyglot development experience.
● Passionate about distributed computing and building applications that are
robust, scalable, and keep the customers happy.
● Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Scala; a strong foundation
in data structures, algorithms, understanding of threads, synchronization, and
concurrent programming.
● Experience with deployment, configuration, automation tools, and DevOps
● Understanding of Internet security models, REST API, and application
● Good to have some understanding of Serverless.

We are looking for experienced PHP / Senior PHP Developer to join our web development projects. As a PHP Developer, you will play a key role in writing clean and efficient PHP code, following industry best practices and collaborating with the creative team. Your expertise and problem-solving skills will contribute to the success of our software development process.
- Write backend code and develop efficient PHP modules.
- Solve complex performance problems and address architectural issues.
- Integrate and combine data storage solutions.
- Contribute to all phases of the software development lifecycle.
- Troubleshoot and resolve issues as they arise.
- Collaborate effectively across different time zones using tools like GitHub, video conferences, and documents.
- Familiarity with common third-party APIs such as Google, Facebook, eBay, etc.
- Utilize version control tools and work with relational databases.
- Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX.
- Demonstrate strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
- Display a keen interest in learning new tools, languages, and workflows.
- B.Tech / MCA/ M.Tech/ Msc IT.
- Minimum of 5+ years of experience.
- Wordpress experience is a plus point
- Strong knowledge of PHP programming language and related frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, or CodeIgniter.
- Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
- Experience working with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.
- Familiarity with version control systems, preferably Git.
- Understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles.
- Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.

Greetings for the day !!!
We are hiring "Backend Developer" for one of the IT & digital tech solutions based organization @ US (Chicago) !!!
- We are looking for an experienced Back-end developer to join our IT team.
- You will be responsible for the server side of our web applications.
- If you have excellent programming skills and a passion for developing applications or improving existing ones, we would like to meet you.
- As a Back-end developer, you’ll work closely with our engineers to ensure system consistency and improve user experience.
- Ultimately, you should be able to develop and maintain functional and stable web applications to meet our company’s needs.
Participate in the entire application lifecycle, focusing on coding and debugging
- Write clean code to develop functional web applications
- Troubleshoot and debug applications
- Perform UI tests to optimize performance
- Manage cutting-edge technologies to improve legacy applications
- Collaborate with Front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server side logic
- Gather and address technical and design requirements
- Provide training and support to internal teams
- Build reusable code and libraries for future use
- Liaise with developers, designers, and system administrators to identify new features
- Follow emerging technologies
- Minimum of 5 years of work experience as a Back-end developer
- In-depth understanding of the entire web development process (design, development, and deployment)
- Knowledge of multiple back-end languages (e.g., C#, Java, Python, PHP, RUBY) and JavaScript
- frameworks (e.g., Angular, React, [website])
- Experience with .NET, C#, [website] MVC framework, .NET web APIs
- Familiarity with databases (e.g., MySQL, MongoDB, SQL server), web servers (e.g., Apache) and UI/UX design
- Skills on Database design, table, views creation,
- Writing SQL scripts, stored procedures, creating SQL Jobs etc. optimizing queries.
- Should be able to work with different rest APIs and consuming the data, make GET, PUT, POST calls
- Should be able to create APIs that others can consume
- Working knowledge of CMS framework
- Familiarity with front-end languages (e.g., HTML, JavaScript, and CSS)
- Excellent analytical and time management skills
- Teamwork skills with a problem-solving attitude
- BSc degree in Computer Science or relevant field
Employment Mode: Full time - Remote opportunity
Joining Period: Immediate to Max 30 days
Location: Full Fledge Remote
Shifts: US Shift

- 5 years experience with the Django framework
- Experience with building APIs (REST or GraphQL)
- Strong Troubleshooting and debugging skills
- React.js knowledge would be an added bonus
- Understanding on how to use a database like Postgres (prefered choice), SQLite, MongoDB, MySQL.
- Sound knowledge of object-oriented design and analysis.
- A strong passion for writing simple, clean and efficient code.
- Proficient understanding of code versioning tools Git.
- Min 5 year experience
- Startup experience is a must.
- Remote developer
- 40 hours a week but with 4 hours a day overlapping with client timezone. Typically clients are in California PST Timezone.
- Full time/Direct
- We have great benefits such as PF, medical insurance, 12 annual company holidays, 12 PTO leaves per year, annual increments, Diwali bonus, spot bonuses and other incentives etc.
- We dont believe in locking in people with large notice periods. You will stay here because you love the company. We have only a 15 days notice period.

Roles and Responsibilities
- Develop and manage highly trafficked, highly scalable web properties with PHP5 using Laravel/ZEND CodeIgniter/Yii/Symfony framework.
- Understand the specifications to define system requirements.
- Collaborate and communicate project updates and progress to team members and clients.
- Analyze, design, code, debug, test, document and deploy changes to the system.

Must haves
- At least 3 years of professional programming experience in Ruby on Rails.
- Solid fundamentals with software development, systems, troubleshooting, and teamwork
- Strong testing habits, passionate towards unit testing and TDD.
- Good understanding of RDBMS like MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Strong knowledge of git
- Good understanding of data structures
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Good to have
- Experience with Javascript

We are looking for Magento Developers who are passionate and know-how the process of building scalable and secure functionality on top of the Magento platform. You will be associated with a qualified and experienced pool of people with whom you will build correlations by sharing your experience and growing your capabilities.
What We Want You to Do
- Ability to utilize a vast array of open-source Magento plug-ins to satisfy business feature enhancements and requirements
- Edit Magento source code where necessary to adjust base products to better suit business needs and design requirements
- Develop highly scalable systems using a variety of tools and languages and multiple open-source technologies
- Define architectural improvements to our current tech stack and identify ongoing optimizations as it expands and becomes more complex
Technical Skills You Should Have
- Expert understanding of Magento’s code structure, extension architecture, theming hierarchy, and fallback components
- Expertise in authoring and extending Magento extensions
- Thorough experience in customizing Magento’s front-end components
- Competent knowledge of e-commerce data organization and relationships
- Advanced understanding of standard front-end development technologies: HTML5, CSS2.1/3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, XML, SOAP, and WSDL.
- Competent in authoring JavaScript and using libraries such as jQuery
- A desire to be personally responsible for production-level code
Key Expertise
- #Magento
- #Composer
- #OOPs
- #Version control – GIT
- #CSS
- #JavaScript
- #Bootstrap
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering
- Magento Certified is a big plus.