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Neha Verma asked a question
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-08-30T09:29:55.758Z", {without_time: true})}}

Personal branding vs Corporate branding? What are the pros and cons?

What's the difference between the personal branding vs corporate branding? How they are different from each other?

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Manasi Karri Want to build organizations
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-08-31T18:14:18.812Z", {without_time: true})}}
Depends on the market. There are markets such as fashion, music, food and movies, where strong personal brands are absolutely essential to the success. While in more corporate settings, a stronger corporate brand works better as enterprises need to have confidence on the company before making a buying decision.

That said, all organizations should complent strong corp brands with credible personal brands. It creates a human element in the mind of the customer. It also adds an X factor to your brand - everyone will want to buy the design tool Jony Ive hypothetically starts selling.

But the biggest con of personal brands is that the inherent risk. If for some reason, the image of the key person gets tarnished, the whole business suffers.

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