
Modern Tech Hiring

job offers
Modern Tech HiringApr 10, 2021

The Modern Recruiter series: Setting acceptance deadline on your job offers

I recently asked our Talent Acquisition WhatsApp community if they give a deadline to accept their job offers. Almost everyone said yes, which is expected. However, I dug a bit more and asked What deadline you give to the candidates to accept your job offers? I heard back a wide range of values: Some also… Continue reading The Modern Recruiter series: Setting acceptance deadline on your job offers

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Nikunj Verma

Modern Tech HiringDec 9, 2020

The Modern Recruiter series: One small step that may transform your hiring process

I’ve been intending to write about this for 6 weeks. Given the high impact we have seen with this approach, this delay makes me feel a bit guity. Before diving into it, let me emphasize – you really got to actually try it out to see the benefits of the suggestion I’m going to make… Continue reading The Modern Recruiter series: One small step that may transform your hiring process

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Nikunj Verma

reverse interview
Modern Tech HiringOct 10, 2020

The Modern Recruiter series: Increase your joining ratio with Reverse Interviews!

People not joining after accepting offers. This has been a big problem shared by the companies and they have been looking at many ways to increase the joining ratio. Many solutions have been thrown around to address this problem – from blacklisting candidates:to sending them laptops like Kunal Shah or offering money like Zappos if they… Continue reading The Modern Recruiter series: Increase your joining ratio with Reverse Interviews!

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Nikunj Verma

understand your target candidate
Modern Tech HiringSep 24, 2020

The Modern Recruiter series: Understand your target candidate

Today, while going through the prized “ebooks” folder on my computer, I found an ebook we had released last year. And I’m glad I rediscovered it – it was a good refresher as some of the takeaways have sort of become fuzzy over time.Here is the ebook cover. You can click on it to download… Continue reading The Modern Recruiter series: Understand your target candidate

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Nikunj Verma

joining ratio
Modern Tech HiringSep 3, 2020

The Modern Recruiter series: How to increase your joining ratio?

When it comes to hiring, a lot of companies do everything to increase joining ratio but are often unsuccessful. They look at salaries, they look at their responsiveness, they look at their Glassdoor reviews to increase their joining ratio, but it seems there is something more they often miss. But before going into the way… Continue reading The Modern Recruiter series: How to increase your joining ratio?

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Nikunj Verma

ThoughtWorks hiring
Modern Tech HiringAug 26, 2020

The Modern Recruiter series: Recruiting inspiration from ThoughtWorks

I saw this recently on LinkedIn and immediately was impressed. In an otherwise boring world of hiring where recruiters just say “we are hiring”, this post felt like a breath of fresh air. What I’m talking about? This LinkedIn post from Rakhee, a recruiter at ThoughtWorks:To give you a quick overview, a candidate wrote a… Continue reading The Modern Recruiter series: Recruiting inspiration from ThoughtWorks

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Nikunj Verma

Modern Tech HiringAug 24, 2020

How to hire good remote developers from India?

Remote work is on the rise, more so, after the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies across the world to go remote. Over the last five years, remote work has grown 44% and over the last 10 years, it has grown 91%. Between 2005 to 2017, there was a 159% increase in remote work. This trend is… Continue reading How to hire good remote developers from India?

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Nikunj Verma

how to get a great...
Modern Tech HiringNov 22, 2019

Hiring remote employees from India – has the time come now?

Remote work, as an idea is being discussed for last few years. Barring the startups in Europe, USA and Canada that faced talent crunch and made remote their main talent acquisition pillar, not many mainstream companies and professionals have thought of it as a realistic option. But this seems to be changing fast. As I… Continue reading Hiring remote employees from India – has the time come now?

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Nikunj Verma

unique startup
Modern Tech HiringFeb 13, 2019

Your context is unique. So should be your interview process.

One of the things I learned very early enough was that a startup is NOT a mini version of an enterprise. Things that work at a 2500+ people enterprise most often don’t work at a startup. Forget about big companies. Heck, things that work at one startup don’t often work at a different one! Modern… Continue reading Your context is unique. So should be your interview process.

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Nikunj Verma