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Anuj Kumar asked a question
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-05-18T11:09:23.384Z", {without_time: true})}}

I have startup idea...

As everyone.. I'm also having a startup idea and I want to implement from paper work to real model.. But due same issue and problem of finance..

I also study market n had done presentation the response was good.. So I need investors for my project 

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5 answers
Abhishek Jain Ex Entreprenuer
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-05-19T13:52:04.173Z", {without_time: true})}}
Your idea is worth $0 right now. I get 10 ideas everyday, and nobody is giving me any money for those.
Ideas have no values, anyone can get ideas. The values are for execution. Investors trust your team, not your ideas. Because the skills of your team can execute an idea properly. A bad idea if executed well, is much better than a good idea executed poorly.
So what can you do now?
Create a MVP (Minimum Viability Product) of your idea and get at least 10 paying customers for that. If you can do this much, then you won't have any issue with investment at all. 
You may ask that you need money for the MVP too. Then do a job and save money for your MVP. You can take a loan from your friends, family or even bank. 
Raising investment is not that easy. Investors are not stupid.
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Vaibhav Sharma Passionate Coder
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-06-25T19:34:05.654Z", {without_time: true})}}

Hi Anuj,

It is good that you have an idea . But what actaully matters is the execution. So if you want to implement your idea then first create a simple model of your idea. Then show your model to your friends or your family members or you can also use surveys to understand the market or your idea cost value in the market. Before starting anything first you should do some market research to understand what actaully consumers are looking for and then transform your idea as per consumer needs. Then show this model to the investor's.

You can use following free survey websites



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