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There's not just front end, back end and databases to choose from. There's a lot of other things too which may or may not come under devOps, infrastructure or operations spec.
This youtube video is very good source in understanding details about all sort of tech required to create web applications. This understanding is required if you want to become a good web developer in this decade.
There's a lot of courses available online, however I would suggest you to find out what you want to learn and then search on youtube for good crash course on them. You can later search for more advanced videos or talks on those technologies. You may want to follow Coding Tech channel on youtube for advanced talks from industry experts.
I would suggest you to start with basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and then move on to jQuery. After some time start working on one of the front end web framework/library such as ReactJS or Angular. As soon as you reach here, you'd anyway know where to go from here. Feel free to buzz me, if you need any advice after that.