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Quality grader

Your A-Eye for great talent

Frustrated with low quality resumes?
Quality Grader is an AI model that can go over millions of resumes to find you the winners you can take bets on.
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How can Quality Grader help?

Quality Grader feature 1
Find top quality profiles quickly
Quality Grader has analyzed millions of resumes and understands the list of top companies or colleges that indicate higher talent quality.
Quality Grader feature 2
Go beyond IITs
Find candidates who didn't go to top colleges or companies but have strong indicators of quality on their profile.
Test drive Quality Grader
Upload a resume to check its quality
Or view quality of a sample resume
Backend Developer
Worked in a startup
Full Stack Developer
Went to IIT
Calculating quality grade...

How Quality grader is helping companies

Quality Grader helping feature 1
30% more pipeline
Companies are able to find quality talent that they would have missed otherwise
Quality Grader helping feature 2
Faster talent search
Companies are able to find quality talent that they would have missed otherwise
Quality Grader helping feature 3
Merit based hiring
Companies are able to find quality talent that they would have missed otherwise

25000+ recruiters have used Cutshort to close more than 15000+ positions

Priyanka guthala
We were trying to hire for our Data Scientist role for 4 months and interviewed 100 candidates, but in vain. With Lightning, we found someone great in less than 30 days.
Priyanka guthala
Priyanka guthala
Sr. HR Bussiness Partner, Desynova
Kevin Fernandes
With agencies, we normally see a lot of back and forth. But Lightning was such a butter smooth experience - we could make our first offer within first 21 days! I'm pretty excited about how Lightning will transform our hiring in the days to come.
Kevin Fernandes
Kevin Fernandes
Business Development Manager, Vola Finance
Hitesh Ganjoo
Finding great tech talent is so hard; our team had made their our own interview bot! But with Cutshort, we got so many high quality candidates that we didn’t need extra steps and made 3 offers within first 5 weeks.
Hitesh Ganjoo
Hitesh Ganjoo
CEO, Iksha Lab
Naveen R
As a founder, hiring takes a lot of time since our talent bar is quite high. But within 30 days of starting on Lightning, we found 2 high quality engineers without spending a lot of time.
Naveen R
Naveen R
Founder, NocoDB
Ekta S.
I really like the quality and speed. We made our first offer within 14 days itself!
Ekta S.
Ekta S.
Senior Manager HR, Enparadigm
Gaurav Keny
The service has been a great value addition for Wohlig since the candidates coming in our pipeline are pre-screened and are in accordance to our requirements. Hence, saving time and effort of an already small interviewing team. I am also very happy with the traction we are getting from Cutshort.
Gaurav Keny
Gaurav Keny
VP Talent Acquisition, Wohlig
And more...
Cutshort App on Google Play Store and Apple App Store
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Cutshort on AmbitionBox and Glassdoor
You have suffered for far too long

The days of frustratingly slow and expensive hiring are over

Hire without any effort