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Priyank Agrawal asked a question
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-03-01T10:46:22.864Z", {without_time: true})}}

How are LSTMs and Recurrent neural networks different ?

Being a beginner in Deep Learning. I read about LSTMs and about Recurrect Neural Nets.
The basic idea of both is the same.
So how are LSTMs and Recurrent neural nets different ? and what are examples/application of those.

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3 answers
Samim Ekram A am an python developer with interest in AI
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-03-23T08:27:29.826Z", {without_time: true})}}

LSTM is a recurrent neural network actually hence you find them both similar . But unlike traditional RNNs, an LSTM network is well-suited to learn from experience to classify, process and predict time series when there are time lags of unknown size and bound between important events.LSTM networks have also been used for automatic speech recognition, and were a major component of a network that in 2013 achieved a record 17.7% phoneme error rate on the classic TIMIT naural speech dataset

You can also check CTC which is a better implementation on LSTM .

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Pratik Bhavsar Deep learner and NLP guy
{{::getFormatedLocalTime("2017-04-04T16:18:02.470Z", {without_time: true})}}
I would say that the architecture of both is quite different. LSTM as the name implies, Long Short Term Memory, makes sure we filter the relevant information from past step for future predictions which is done with the help of gates (sigmoid function), which have a range from 0-1. The value of these gates decide how much information is passed through them i.e
If the value is ~0 -> no information passes
If the value is ~1 -> all the information passes 
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